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Ponds Comparsion2.jpg

Above: A series of interconnected ponds constructed on the property in 2018 capture spring water from a misguided irrigation project decades ago from previous land owners. The side by side photos show the recovery of the ecosystem a year after the project was completed. Wild life and vegetation are now thriving in the regenerating habitat.

Before & After

Return of the Beavers

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Sweetwater Creek runs through the main property and next to the studio. Inspired by the beaver population reclaiming the damaged drainage and repairing the hydraulics of the creek, we have joined in the efforts. Key parts of the creek have now been engineered to slow down the flow water and speed up restoration. Additionally we have planted thousands of native plants to increase the heath of the riparian ecosystem. Over the next 10 years we expect to see the creek return back to a natural course at the valley floor. During that time we get to observe the beaver population increase in health and move further up the creek, reclaiming habitat that was lost over years of previous mismanagement and trapping. 


3995 Hells Backbone Rd

Escalante, UT 84726

© 2020

Grand Staircase Studios

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